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Marvelous Things

Greetings friends! And anyone else who decides to read this.

Obviously I have not blogged for awhile and I sincerely apologize. The last few months have been very weird to me... I have finally figured out how my brain works. If there is an event that needs to be forever stored in my brain, it will not stay there unless the event has had an emotional impact on me or it's something that there is no way i could forget. SO basically I cannot remember things that have happened to me besides the things that have impacted me. I just can't remember and I can't help it. So I'm sorry if my blogs are lacking in the memories of what has recently happened. I will just share with you what is happening right now. If any of that makes sense.

Im kind of contradicting what i just talked about up there and writing some memories of 2007. Ones that i can remember. So Berto made a list of "The best of 2007" so I thought i would too. Only mine will be in "Top 3" form.

Top 3 Albums of 2007 (none of the lists are in any particular order)
1. Cities- Anberlin
2. Zeitgeist- Smashing Pumpkins
3. In rainbows- Radiohead

Top 3 concerts i attended
1. Jacks Mannequin w/ head automatica, the audition, get back loretta (first concert ever)
2. Relient K w/ Mae, sherwood
3. Smashing Pumpkins w/ the Bravery. amazing show

Top 5 favorite bands I discovered in 2007
1. Siberian
2. Get back Loretta
3. Sherwood
4. Harry and the Potters
5. Dear and the headlights
6. Band of Horses
7. Straylight run
8. Maylene and the sons of disaster
9. the format
10. Coldwar kids

The 3 Most epic movies I saw in 2007
1. I am Legend
2. Ninja Turtles
3. Juno
4. Transformers (almost top 3)

3 Best books I read/finished in 2007
1 Harry Potter and the half blood Prince
2 Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
3 Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card

Top 10 most random, but amazing, things I discovered/rediscovered in 2007
1. drinking everything through a straw
2. Pokemon
3. Sweet sounding Indie Music
4. concerts
5. Things from my childhood (n64, transformers, skateboarding/longboarding, vans)
6. Halo 3
7. Harry and the Potters
8. Zune 2
9. Black and Tan
10. love

Bottom 5 anything of 2007
1. Ipods
2. Country music
3. how much people close to me changed
4. regrets
5. drama

Well thats about it for 2007. Very good year for everything. I would say one thing that happened to me that had a huge effect was dating Krystal. First of all She brought out the child in me (in a good way) and I definitely learned what it was like to be happy. that was a good start to the year and I have been much happier with myself and my life. Thanks to everyone else who made last year such a grand experience. We all went through a lot. This year wont be much different.

thanks for listening

<3 Michaelface

little fact: I am in love with the band eisley. you have no idea. I would marry every single one of the band members. even the guys. and i love my Natalie