Number 1: People doing stupid things/going against all the logic in their heads to impress other people.
-Why would you make an unwise decision on purpose and have a full knowledge that what you are about to do will have bad consequences? Sure there are temporary pleasures, but are they really worth it?
-Why would you ever go against what you believe is right to become "cool" in the eyes of "cool" people? Yes, I know not everyone has the same beliefs. And some people have no belifs at all. But if you have beliefs and/or goals, stick to them. Don't change them to fit in with the crowd. You want to be a real non-conformist? Be true to yourself, nobody else is doing it.
It seems that people tend to do this a lot. I know I'm probably guilty of it. But I've certainly vowed to better myself in this area. It's not worth it. If I'm going to impress someone, I want to genuinely do it. It feels so much more satisfying. I have so much more to say on this topic, but I will save it for another day.
Number 2: I greatly dislike Hypocrytes.
Number 3: I greatly dislike Stupid People. I know some people were born without a brain. But those that do have a brain and never use it should probably die... or use it. Either one works.
So none of this is necessarily geared towards anybody I know. So don't take it personal. It's just stuff that has been getting to me lately. Hopefully a happy and more heartfelt blog will come soon. FArewell. Bed Time
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